Course Navigation Menu
Home (Page)
Reading List
These are created and imported into new courses by a Blueprint template within Canvas.
Additions to course navigation will be based on course specific requirements and made within the relevant Faculty/School.
Module Co-ordinator/Lecturer
Home Page
Customisable title/banner
Welcome message
Course Overview
Course Content
Course Discussions
Course Assessment & Feedback
These are created and imported into new courses by a Blueprint template within Canvas when they are automatically created.
Include text informing students that if they encounter any accessibility problems with content or resources who (lecturer name and details) they should contact for support.
The academic course blueprint template is based on staff and student User Experience (UX) testing and will be evaluated periodically.
Staff should customise the text below content headers.
Module Co-ordinator/Lecturer
Course Navigation Menu: Modules
Course Overview
Module/course information including synopsis, syllabus, delivery, contact, hours and learning outcomes needs to link to the module catalogue via the course overview page. Provide details of what will be available/delivered in Welsh.
It is recommended that assessment and feedback information is included on this page, including a reminder that work can be submitted in Welsh.
Modules should be updated annually via module maintenance. The DLP module information should be automatically updated when saved.
This section, is designed to provide relevant information to students and manage their expectations and increase engagement.
A link should be provided for the module timetable.
Module Co-ordinator/Lecturer
About your Instructor: Contact Details
Details of core staff teaching on the module, contact information and office hours.
Staff should personalise their contact details, and office hours. The staff list for team taught modules should highlight which staff member(s) will be delivering in Welsh and supporting students studying in Welsh medium.
It is recommended that information detailing where to get School/Department/Programme help is also included in this section.
Module Co-ordinator/Lecturer
Course Question Board
Created as part of the Blueprint template
A pre-created discussion board that can be used to collect and answer student questions.
Module Co-ordinator/Lecturer
Library Guides
Created as part of the Blueprint template
This provides a link to the University Library Guides webpages.
Created as part of the Blueprint template
Assignment Survival Kit: ASK
Created as part of the Blueprint template
This provides a link to ASK interactive tool.
Created as part of the Blueprint template
Course Content
**Week 1 (Title/Theme):
Weekly Overview
Overview/To-do List
Supplementary resources
**Weekly activities:
Individual assignment
Group discussion
**Weekly Review
Wrap-up and Looking Ahead
The headings are created and imported into new courses by a Blueprint template within Canvas.
**The weekly headings and sub headings are a result of student and user testing, 86% preference for weekly layouts, but they can be personalised to the individual course delivery.
The module structure should be copied for subsequent weeks to aid consistency and familiarity in the DLP.
Aims/objectives/expected outcomes for each teaching session.
Learning materials for each session available at least 2 working days in advance in an accessible format.
Accessible lecture recorded videos available within 2 working days of the session.
Further reading relating to each session in advance.
Student expectations – how students are expected to use the DLP for each module/session.
Module Co-ordinator/Lecturer
It is the staff responsibility to check all the content is accessible and appropriately attributed prior to publishing.
Guidance can be found in the links at the end of the document.
Course Navigation:
A central place where students can view their assessment submission points.
Academi Hywel Teifi can provide guidance on Welsh/bilingual assessment best practice, including information on assessment and the Welsh Language Standards.
It is strongly recommended that a summary of assessment and feedback (formative and summative) is provided to students in the Course Overview page.
Areas to cover include:
· Calendar of deadlines
· Academic integrity advice & guidance
· Referencing
· Remind students work can be submitted in Welsh regardless of the module’s language of delivery
· Detail of individual assessment:
o Marking criteria/rubric
o Assessment Task
o Submission instructions & submission points
o Weighting
Module Co-ordinator/Lecturer
Course Navigation:
Reading List
Reading List
Reading List is a 3rd party tool, and is an automatic feed from iFind Reading service embedded into the navigation menu.
Amendments to the reading list must be made in the iFind Reading service and can be actioned through contact with relevant colleagues in the library. Subject librarians can support Faculties/Schools with this.
For reading materials, outside of core text, staff should use the ‘supplementary resources’ page within the weekly folders.
Module Co-ordinator/Lecturer
Course Navigation: Announcements
A space for staff to post course announcements to students.
Announcements should be made in the language of delivery for the module, and bilingually for modules taught in Welsh and English.
Module Co-ordinator/Lecturer