Education Related Policies

Education Related Policies

Academic Misconduct Procedure

These procedures are applicable to cases of academic misconduct.

Adverse Weather Recommendations

The recommendations contain advice on examinations, teaching, placements and coursework that could be affected by adverse weather conditions. It explains that during adverse weather conditions regular updates and advice will be available on the University's home page. 

Assessment, Marking and Feedback Policy

This policy aims to improve the effectiveness of assessment and feedback methods for staff and students by setting out clear and fixed principles that guide practice.

Assessment in Welsh/Another Language

Guidelines on assessment or examination in Welsh or a language other than the language of tuition

Complaints Procedure

This procedure aims to resolve academic or non-academic complaints from students who are dissatisfied with the quality of service or provision they have received from the university or its staff. The procedure has three stages, depending on the complexity and seriousness of the complaint. 

Digital Learning Platform: Minimum Standards and Expectations Policy

This policy aims to enhance the information provided to students, supports colleagues in the delivery of teaching provisions and, provides a foundation for the development of online and blended learning.

Digital: Acceptable Use Policy

The aim of this policy is to help ensure that University Digital Technology is used freely, but safely, securely, lawfully, equitably and with consideration for others.

Disciplinary Procedures

These Procedures set out the actions which will be taken in the case of alleged disciplinary offences and the sanctions that may be imposed.

Engagement Monitoring Policy for Taught Students

This policy explains that the University has a legal duty to monitor students' engagement with teaching and to act on non-engagement.The monitoring can also identify students who may be experiencing difficulties and might need particular support. 

Engagement Monitoring Policy for Research Students

This policy explains that the University has a legal duty to monitor student engagement and to act on non-engagement. The monitoring can also identify students who may be experiencing difficulties and might need particular support.   

Engagement Monitoring Policy for Student Route (previously Tier4) Students

This policy explains that Swansea University is required to monitor the engagement of all Student Route (previously Tier 4) students, in line with UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) regulations as well as the Immigration Rules that underpin immigration into the United Kingdom.  The policy and engagement monitoring procedures have been put in place and will assist students in protecting their immigration status. 

Employment – UG 

This specifies the University's guidelines for the employment of full time undergraduate students.

Employment - PGT

This specifies the University's guidelines for the employment of full time postgraduate students.

Final Review Procedure - Swansea University

This procedure aims to provide an opportunity for students to challenge the decisions or outcomes of other university procedures. It applies to situations where the student believes that there has been a procedural irregularity or unfairness in the handling of their case, or that there is new evidence that was not available at the time of the original decision or outcome. 

Fitness to Practise

This procedure aims to ensure that students who are studying on professional programmes meet the standards of conduct and competence required by their profession. It applies to situations where there are concerns about a student’s behaviour, health, or performance, or the impact of these on the public, clients, or colleagues. 

General Conduct and Behaviour

This statement explains the obligations of students in terms of their conduct and behaviour.

Learning Environment Course Retention Policy

This policy outlines the retention and disposal of learning environment data.

Lecture and Teaching Content Recording Policy

This policy details the University’s position on the recording of lectures, group-based learning activities and other content.

Minimum Standards for Education Practice

The Minimum Standards for Education Practice provides guidance on the basic
requirements and expectations of all teaching staff involved in the development and delivery of
teaching, assessment and personal tutoring.

Module Feedback Policy

This policy relates to internally-run module feedback at Swansea University.

Module Information Governance Framework

This framework explains the importance of updating module data and the process of updating modules throughout the academic year.

Personal Tutoring System Policy

The Policy explains the personal tutoring system.

Policy for Online Proctored Examinations/Assessments

This Policy aims to clarify the roles and responsibilities of Faculties/Schools, and students in relation to the provision of online-proctored examinations/assessments at the University.

Policy on Extenuating Circumstances

The policy on extenuating circumstances applies to all students of the University pursuing taught programmes or the training element of research degrees, and allows for the consideration of extenuating circumstances relating to all taught assessments.The policy has twin aims: to ensure that students with valid claims of extenuating circumstances are treated fairly and consistently; and to protect the standard of the University’s awards.

Policy on Issuing Award Certificates

The policy explains how and when award certificates are issued and how to obtain copies of certificates.

Policy on Peer Observation of Teaching

The Peer Observation policy explains the practice of peer observation at Swansea University with localised approaches at School level.

Policy on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Student Assessment

This policy outlines the guidelines and principles for the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, including generative AI, in assessment at Swansea University. 

Policy on Translating Written Academic Content

This policy aims to foster a bilingual environment and uphold the rights of students, staff, and the public to use Welsh within the Swansea University.

Postgraduate Research Parental Leave Policy

This policy outlines the University’s approach to supporting current and prospective postgraduate researchers who are pregnant, whose partner becomes pregnant, and those becoming parents through alternative pathways such as adoption or surrogacy.

Preparation and Submission of Directed Independent Learning

This policy outlines the responsibilities of students and staff in relation to the preparation and submission of Directed Independent Learning for Postgraduate Taught Master’s students.

Proof Reading Policy

This policy sets out the University’s position on proofreading, including the use of professional third-party proofreading or editing services, in relation to coursework (essays, reports, dissertations etc) that is being submitted for assessment in taught programmes (undergraduate and postgraduate taught).

Reasonable Adjustment Policy for Learning and Assessment

This policy identifies the University’s approach to supporting disabled students and formalises areas of responsibility. 

Regulations for Study Abroad

Guidance on a structural credit framework for study abroad opportunities for undergraduate students to enable them to meet their learning outcomes as part of their degree programme, including the procedure for allocating marks for a semester abroad period, and grade conversion tables for different partner countries and regions.

Relationship Agreement between Swansea University and Swansea University Student's Union

The Relationship Agreement between Swansea University and Swansea University Students’ Union is intended to underpin the excellent working relationship between the partners to the agreement.

Revocation of Awards

This procedure enables the university to withdraw an academic award that has been conferred on a student, in exceptional circumstances. It applies to situations where there is evidence that the award was obtained by fraud, deception, or serious academic misconduct, or that there was a significant administrative error in the awarding process.

Support to Study Procedure

The support to study procedure aims to support students who are experiencing difficulties that affect their ability to study effectively and/or their wellbeing.  


Supervision Policy for Postgraduate Taught Masters

The Policy provides advice and guidance for staff and students with the aim of facilitating the production of directed independent learning of the standard appropriate for a Taught Master's degree

Student Charter

The Charter aims to explain what students can expect from the University, how to enhance the student experience, and, help students access a range of information to help them throughout their studies. 

Study Abroad Policy

The Study Abroad Policy explains the approval of new student exchange agreements, credit transfer and recognition, monitoring evaluation and review of the placements and, renewal of agreements.

The College - Personal Tutor System

This policy outlines the expectations and benefits of the Personal Tutor System for students enrolled with The College and explains the roles and responsibilities of the Personal Tutors.