1. Module Co-ordinator summary report
Make a general statement about what has gone well on the module, what could be improved and what changes are planned for the future.
2. Assessment & Feedback
Describe the formative and summative assessment for this module. Also outline whether feedback has been provided to students within published deadlines
3. Module Performance analysis, using the ARQUE tool
Reflect on ARQUE report for the module and outline :
- Notable trends in how students are performing on the module.
- Context for the observed trends, what they indicate, or what they might mean.
- The changes you are planning to make, if any, as a result of your analysis. Please ensure that any substantial changes are noted in the Module Development section on the next page
4. Module Feedback analysis, using EvaMetrics
Reflect on the Module Evaluation for this semester, including:
- Areas of good practice.
- Areas for development.
- Actions that will be taken.
- How have you communicated with and engaged students.
- You may wish to copy your reflective answers from within EvaMetrics into this section. Please outline what changes you are planning to make, if any, as a result of this reflection in the Module Development.
5. Module development; i.e. a record of changes made to modules
Reflect on your current Module pro forma for this section, specifically its Learning Outcomes, Key Skills, references to Research-Led, Practice-Driven Teaching, Inclusivity, and Employability. If you made changes to the module last year, what impact did these changes have?
Comment on any issues raised by the internal moderator and/or external examiner.
6. Additional comments and requests for support
You can find the Module Review template here.
If your module has been adapted for January entry, please ensure that you reflect on how this has gone in your summary report.