How We Can Help:

Community @Campus Life is here to help students and local residents alike. We aim to promote community cohesion and understanding as tools that will enable you to overcome and find solutions to most disagreements, tensions and conflicts. This page offers guidance and signposting for the most common issues that arise but you are welcome to reach out to us for further support or to notify us of an ongoing issue. 

We are available via email, if you would prefer to discuss issues face-to-face we can arrange a face-to-face meeting in our offices or at your home. We hope you will still consult the recommendations below to ensure you are seeking advice or assistance from the correct contacts, who have the power to assist you most effectively with your questions or concerns.

Contact our friendly community team!

Person typing on a laptop

Swansea University and our partners are aware that some students living in the community can cause challenging behaviour for their neighbours. In most cases, a discussion about behaviour between neighbours is enough to solve these problems.  Where problems persist, please get in contact so that we can investigate the problem.

If you would like to get in touch with us or submit a complaint, please visit our Contact Us page!

Events in the community

Volunteers preparing for a litter pick in the local community

We run regular events to benefit the local community, such as regular litter picks and charity campaigns. We are always looking at ways in which we can improve safety, wellbeing, and quality of life in the community. Here you can see some volunteers preparing for a litter pick in Brynmill! Keep an eye on our events page for future events.

If you have any ideas about how we can co-operate, or if you want to get involved in any of our events, please get in touch!

Advice for the most common community issues