Include - Our student inclusivity programme

Learn how to become an inclusive person, be that as a friend, colleague or family member.

  • Learn how to create a safe environment for people to be themselves.
  • Discuss EDI topics respectfully and safely.
  • Gain desirable employability skills such as having couragoues conversations.
  • Equip yourself with strategies to become an active Ally.

The course has three modules which will run throughout each academic year and you can complete each module in isolation.


Don't opt out - learn how

Courageous Conversations / Sgyrsiau Dewr

Let's Talk About It

Hear from your Student EDI champions about EDI topics that could impact you. 
While we know action and allyship is what we desire across our socieities, without first talking and improving our understanding we will be unsuccessful in improving the inclusivity of our communities.