Why choose Chemical Engineering at Swansea?
Chemical engineers create and develop processes, investigate problems and design solutions for several issues. Chemical engineers differentiate themselves from chemists significantly: for instance, chemical engineers are those responsible for the large-scale production of chemical molecules, which is fundamental to deliver drugs and vaccines to the wider population.
The Department of Chemical Engineering at Swansea University hosts a variety of leading academics and researchers that are currently contributing to solve world-wide emergencies, including global warming, access to drinkable water, sustainability and healthcare. Our department is also working with several centres of excellence in the university, including the Energy Safety Research Institute (ESRI) which tackle issues related to carbon capture technologies and sustainability to reduce the environmental impact of chemical engineering processes.
Our department has also an outstanding tradition of excellence in designing solutions to healthcare problems (e.g. cardiovascular diseases diagnosis), design and characterisation of fluid formulations, design of novel materials and manufacturing technologies, development of catalysts and sensor for sustainable chemistry.