For nearly two decades GENCAS has sat at the forefront of work on gender at Swansea University, bringing scholars together in a forum that bridges disciplinary divides. GENCAS provides a space for discussion and support for staff, students, administrators and others working at the university whose research interests involve gender issues. Scholars affiliated with the Centre work on diverse areas which include, but are not limited to, sexuality, feminisms, and queer approaches and lenses.

We are particularly interested in encouraging intersectional perspectives by putting issues pertaining to gender into fruitful dialogue with other pressing concerns such as race, class, and disability. The Centre also forges and maintains a web of connections with relevant research groups at home and abroad, as well as supporting the university’s commitment to gender equality across the academic community. GENCAS is keen to support events, publications and communities that develop around the theme of gender, and warmly welcomes participation from both staff and students.



Dr Sarah Crook works on the history of modern Britain, with a particular interest in women’s history, student histories, and the history of medicine. Her first monograph, Postnatal depression in postwar Britain: Women, motherhood, and social change (MUP), examines how the challenges of mothering were made visible after the Second World War. Her current research, for her second monograph, Student Mental Health in Modern Britain, explores the history of student mental health.

Dr Sarah Crook
Dr Sarah Crook


Dr Charlotte Jones's interests lie in gender, sexuality, disability and health, particularly the intersections of these areas. Her main line of research focuses on the theorisation and medicalisation of sex. This work explores the experiences of people with variations in sex characteristics (VSCs) or intersex traits, with an emphasis on recognition, care, and justice.

Dr Charlotte Jones
Dr Charlotte Jones