Sara Pan Algarra - Global Challenges Scholar
Sara will be pursuing a Ph.D. in International and Comparative Education at Columbia University in September 2022 as a Doctoral Fellow.
Sara recently completed the MA in Global Challenges: Law, Policy, and Practice at the School of Law of Swansea University with the highest distinction. Her thesis looked at the impact of climate change-related displacement and migration on girls’ access to education in Guatemala and Honduras. She most recently pursued this area of inquiry with UNICEF UK and has been working as part of Child Rights Connect's Legal Team in Switzerland. Child Rights Connect is the largest network of non-governmental organizations dedicated to children’s rights.
Sara graduated Summa Cum Laude from New York University (Abu Dhabi campus) with a double major (BA) in Social Research and Public Policy, and Theatre, and a specialization in Political Science.
She holds related professional experiences in Switzerland, Ecuador, Venezuela, Canada, India, Italy, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
She was elected Youth Mayor of the Chacao Municipality in Venezuela working in local youth governance between 2010 and 2014. She also studied at the United World College of India and is a Dalai Lama Fellow from the University of Virginia.