
By using the #SwanseaUniGlobal hashtag on social media, you will grant Swansea University the right to use your photograph and name. Your image can be used in any productions where Swansea University may wish to use the material(s) for marketing and publicity, trade promotion. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 the material will be used solely for the promotion or benefit of Swansea University. Said material can remain in the public domain for an indefinite period of time and will be the copyright of Swansea University and may be used as is or in conjunction with other material(s), as part of a composite production.


Submission of case studies and photos to the Go Global Team

By submitting a case study and pictures to the Go Global Team at Swansea University, you will grant Swansea University the right to use your content, photograph and name. Your content can be used in any productions where Swansea University may wish to use the material(s) for marketing and publicity, trade promotion. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 the material will be used solely for the promotion or benefit of Swansea University. Said material can remain in the public domain for an indefinite period of time and will be the copyright of Swansea University and may be used as is or in conjunction with other material(s), as part of a composite production.