Swansea University has several Equal Opportunities plans and reports. This page contains all of these documents in their various formats. If you would like a copy of any of the documents in an alternate format, or if you have any queries, please email the Equal Opportunities team.

Equal Opportunities policies and procedures can be found on the staff intranet.

‌Swansea University Equality Annual Report

The Equality team produce a thorough annual report each year that is approved by the University Senior Leadership Team, then reviewed by the University Council and then published for public use. The full report contains information on all of the nine protected characteristics.

Swansea University Strategic Equality Plan (Sep)

The Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) has been through extensive consultation and engagement with staff, students, and members of the community. Through the SEP, the University will aim to demonstrate how as a University we are committed to fairness across all aspects of the University’s work. We have set a series of equality outcomes and an action plan, which will show how the University intends to promote equal opportunities for all, creating a positive difference for students and staff studying and working in the University.

Gender Pay Gap reporting

In 2017, a new gender pay gap reporting legislation was introduced to organisations in England. This legislation requires organisations to report on their gender pay gap, in a specific way and to publish their results on the gov.uk website.

Although we aren’t required to report in-line with this legislation, we have chosen to do so, as we want to be transparent and make our results easier to understand and share.



The University's Dignity at Work & Study Policy applies equally to students and staff. Members of the University are to be treated with dignity and respect and to be protected from harassment and intimidation at work and study.

Dignity at Work and Study Policy / Mediation Policy / For a list of Harassment Advisors, please email equal opportunities


Family Friendly Leave Arrangements / Flexible Working Arrangements

All other staff policies and procedures can be found on the staff intranet.