Through a collaborative pilot project in 2022, we identified a need for practitioners and researchers to be well connected, have access to peer support network and help each other to stay up to date on best/innovative practices, as well as inter-agency referral pathways. A few examples of what professionals say:
“I think that the element of networking is very important. The fact that, for example, even if I had a background on computer science I wouldn't know everything about everything. So to be able to be part of a broader organisation, to have other analysts that do the same work as I do, for example, a select group where you can share your thoughts and say look this is happening right now - can some, as somebody deal with this situation? Can somebody help me?” (Third Sector Practitioner)
“I think there's so much hard work going on, but we tend to work in isolation, don't we? And I'm always amazed about you know just through today you know the work that other people do and the areas they're working in, and I think, well, I've learned so much already. I suppose it's trying to maintain that sort of link, isn't it beyond where we are now so that we can use it on a day-to-day basis if we need to sort of seek out or find out who the right person is to approach.” (Law Enforcement Practitioner)
“It's so much nicer when you've got a name, isn't it? You've got somebody’s name and a face to go to, and you can just pick up the phone and say I'm not sure about this. You know, but rather than Googling things and finding out, it's so nice when you've got those contacts on tap, sort of thing, isn't it?” (Third Sector Practitioner)