EDPM30 Research-informed reflective practice
Assessment for EDPM30 will allow student teachers to demonstrate that they have developed the high level critical thinking skills that will enable them to integrate academic and experiential learning.
Assessment 1: Critical reflection on lesson plans
Student teachers will submit 4 subject specific lesson plans with a particular focus on a school-wide issue (e.g behaviour management in a Geography lesson), together with a 750-word critical reflection on the effectiveness of the learning activities delivered. Each critical reflection should demonstrate that they have a clear understanding of how the literature informs planning for specific outcomes in their subject and how the chosen lesson applies theory to practice. Student teachers will outline (i) the research literature that justified their choice of learning activities and (ii) how the lesson plan takes account of statutory Frameworks, (iii) other factors that contributed to enhancing the learning experience for pupils (e.g. seating plans, support from other adults).
Assessment 2: Close-to-practice research project report
In assessment 2, student teachers will be required to identify a research question linked to one of the school-wide issue studied. Student teachers will develop a proposal for, and carry out, a small scale, close-to-practice research project designed to improve pupil engagement. The findings will be presented as a written report incorporating a literature review, methodology, analysis of data and discussion of findings. The report will critically reflect on interventions and strategies that were implemented in the project. The final close-to-practice report will be a 6000-word submission.
Assessment 3: Critical reflection on classroom management
Student teachers will identify an area of classroom management they wish to improve or refine. They will video themselves whilst teaching over a period of lessons in order to observe their own teaching practice and to monitor progression with specific regard to the area of classroom management identified. Student teachers will research classroom management techniques and apply them in the classroom environment. The video recording will be supported by a critical reflection of the strategies they employed. The final report will be a 3000-word submission.
EDP300 Professional Practice
The assessment for EDP300 will allow student teachers to demonstrate that they have achieved the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership and can be recommended for the award of QTS conferred by the Education Workforce Council. Student teachers will be required to provide evidence against each of the 32 QTS level descriptors set out in the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership. During their teaching practice, student teachers will be presented with a range of experiences in different educational settings which are designed to ensure that they have more than one opportunity to gather evidence against each of the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership in Wales.
Student teachers will use the EWC Professional Learning Passport (PLP) to record evidence of achieving the Professional Standards. They will be able to upload evidence through the medium of English or Welsh in a variety of formats including sound files and video (with appropriate permissions) in addition to more traditional written submissions (e.g. lesson plans, schemes of work, teaching and learning resources, reflective diaries, research reports).
Students will also be required to write 5 short reflective essays (of 400 words each) which link to the 5 Professional Standard section headings, namely: Pedagogy, Collaboration, Professional learning, Innovation and Leadership, and a longer reflective essay of 1000 words which discusses the relationship of the 5 strands to the values and dispositions identified in the Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership.