February 26, 2025Rediscovering Myrddin: Early Merlin poems reveal the poet and prophet behind the myth
The earliest known poetry about Merlin, referred to as Myrddin in Welsh, has been made accessible to the public for the first time and reveals that, contrary to popular belief, he was not a wizard but a poet and a prophet deeply interested in the natural world.
February 24, 2025Ekspansi budi daya rumput laut berisiko mengancam kelangsungan padang lamun dan keanekaragaman hayati lautTanpa pengelolaan yang tepat, program budi daya rumput laut dapat membahayakan keanekaragaman hayati laut dan masyarakat yang bergantung pada ekosistem laut
February 19, 2025Expanding seaweed farms pose a risk to vital marine lifeWithout appropriate management, seaweed farming programmes could be dangerous for marine biodiversity and the benefits that humans get from the ocean.