The Challenge
Resources for health and social care are limited. Difficult decisions need to be made about how to get the most benefit from these resources. Health economics studies how we use limited resources to meet our health and social care needs. The Swansea Centre for Health Economics (SCHE) can help to find out about the value for money of different treatments, interventions and services. So, we can keep people healthy and well cared for across Wales.
The method
SCHE’s multidisciplinary team encompass expertise in health economics, economic and mathematical modelling, epidemiology, evaluation, qualitative and quantitative approaches. With such a range of skills SCHE are able to offer a holistic Real World approach to support and advise for policy makers and service commissioners in the NHS and Local Authorities to weigh up the relative costs and benefits of health and social care interventions and programmes.
The impact
SCHE supports health and social care research across Wales to generate evidence that ensures greater impact of public spending.
We promote the idea of efficient resource use, by minimising waste and prioritising effective, safe care that provides good value for money and fair access to health and social care. This is a goal well worth pursuing, given the 18-year difference in healthy life expectancy between the wealthiest and poorest areas of Wales.
Strong engagement with key stakeholders fostered by SCHE, has seen us support a wide range of research projects to understand how advances in preventive strategies, diagnosis, treatments and rehabilitation can improve health and well-being and contribute to the economy.
We assist researchers working in academic, health and social care settings, across the NHS in Wales, the UK and internationally, who require health economic support from early conception through to the final report and publication stages.
SCHE regularly contributes to the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the Research Design and Conduct Service(RDCS), Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMS).