This theme considers the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to challenges presented by the areas of health and agriculture


  • Research being conducted applying AI to diverse topics from wider prevention and early diagnosis to the discovery of new drugs.


  • Research being conducted including the development of robotics to support the farming community, the application of the latest algorithms to fully explore geospatial data and development of exploratory techniques to fully assess the impact of climate change. 

Our overall objective is to build a community, promote opportunities for collaboration and share our experience and knowledge.

Theme Leads

Miss Claire Barnes

Lecturer (SPEC Analytics for Human Centred Data), Biomedical Engineering
Available For Postgraduate Supervision

Professor Rich Fry

Professor, Health Data Science
+44 (0) 1792 606523
Available For Postgraduate Supervision

Dr Benjamin Mora

Associate Professor, Computer Science
+44 (0) 1792 295575
Available For Postgraduate Supervision

Professor Rhiannon Owen

Personal Chair, Health Data Science
+44 (0) 1792 205678 ext 9624
Available For Postgraduate Supervision