Career Boost is a MEDR funded project which offers targeted support to students from underrepresented groups. We’re here to help you take control of your future and access work experience, events and other opportunities that you may not feel able to engage with currently.

These opportunities include:

  • Paid and unpaid work experience opportunities based on your individual circumstances and your future career plans.
  • Help to identify and build social capital – the network of people and organisations to help you move forward in your career.
  • 1-1 appointments with our Career Boost Advisors to provide advice and guidance about career options and planning your next steps, including support with the recruitment process.
  • 24/7 access to relevant and helpful career advice through the online Career Development Course.
  • Employability bursaries for training and personal development and paying for software, hardware and travel costs.
  • Mentoring opportunities to gain insight into different roles and industries.
  • Bespoke employability events including coaching and training.
  • Access to targeted employability resources and courses.
  • Our student Career Coaches will be available to provide peer-to-peer support and information based on your needs.


Please read through the list below and if you can relate to any of the statements, the bespoke support of Career Boost is for you! 

  • I consider myself to have a disability
  • I consider myself to have a physical or mental health condition
  • I am neurodiverse and have one or more of the following: autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, ADD or other neurodiverse conditions
  • I am estranged from my family
  • I am a care leaver and/or have care experience
  • I come from a UK Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) community
  • I have caring and/or parental responsibilities
  • I am a refugee/asylum seeker
  • I consider myself to come from a low income background
  • I am the first generation in my family to attend university
  • I am part of the LGBTQ+ community
  • I am from a Gypsy or Traveller community
  • I live in the family home and travel to university on a daily basis


*If you are an international student, the support offered by Swansea Employability Academy will be more suitable for you. Find out more visiting SEA webpages

Register your interest here!

Once you've registered, discover more resources on e-Hub: your definitive career compass!

Exclusively developed for students who might be underrepresented in higher education, the e-Hub is a resource aimed at connecting your academic activities with your professional aspirations.

Find out more about e-Hub

If you don’t meet the above criteria, don’t panic! Swansea Employability Academy (SEA) can still assist you with personalised careers and employability support. Visit our webpages to find out more or email if you have any questions.