Prof. Antonio J. Gil graduated as Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos from the University of Granada (Spain) in June 1999 (ranked 1st nationally) after having spent one academic year (1998-1999) in the University of California Davis fully funded by a prestigious California scholarship programme. After a two-year Certificate of Advanced Studies (MSc) in the field of Computational Mechanics, he moved to Swansea University where he completed his PhD in the field of computational analysis of nonlinear structural membranes in January 2005 (winner of the UK Association of Computational Mechanics best PhD paper 2004).
Having been awarded the National 1st Prize by the Spanish Ministry of Education in 2000, he has since received a number of further research prizes both as Principal Investigator and PhD supervisor, including the prestigious UK Philip Leverhulme Prize in 2011 and the ECCOMAS 2016 Olgierd Cecil Zienkiewicz award for his contributions as a young investigator in the field of computational mechanics.