I am currently interested in benchmarking and analysing the algorithmic behaviour of popular heuristic algorithms (including Differential Evolution, Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy, Particle Swarm, Optimisation, etc.) for continuous single-solution optimisation problems.
I also apply these (and other Computational Intelligence) techniques to interdisciplinary scenarios, including, e.g., sustainable agriculture and development (see some examples at https://figshare.com/authors/Fabio_Caraffini/820869). currently. my primary interdisciplinary focus is on the application of AI in the study of cellular network deterioration, as well as addressing other unresolved issues in healthcare.
I contribute to the research community by serving in the programme committee of several conferences, e.g., GECCO, PPSN, IEEE CEC, IEEE SCSI, and as an associate editor for journals, e.g. IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation, Applied Intelligence (Springer) and the International Journal of Intelligent Systems (Wiley).