Dr Jesus Ojeda Ledo

Associate Professor
Chemical Engineering
Office - 208
Second Floor
Engineering North
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Dr Jesús Javier Ojeda is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering. His main research focuses on biofouling and biocorrosion, and the importance of cell/surface composition and environmental conditions (such as pH, nutrients or ionic strength) on biofilm formation. His research includes the use of modern potentiometric and spectroscopic tools (such as ToF-SIMS, micro-FTIR, XPS, EXAFS) to describe these systems.

Dr Ojeda’s expertise also includes the behaviour of micro/nanoparticles in complex media, as well as the adhesion of microorganisms to the particle surfaces. Recently-awarded NERC funds allowed him to develop a proof-of-concept for the rapid identification, sizing and quantification of microplastics in the wastewater treatment process (NE/K007521). This research pioneered in the use of novel spectroscopic methodologies for the monitoring of these emerging pollutants in an automated way, without bias and with minimal human intervention.

Dr Ojeda has secured funds both as a Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator from several funding bodies, including NERC, EPSRC, InnovateUK, The Royal Society and The Leverhulme Trust. He has also acted as an expert adviser at ETCBrunel, with more than 100 consultancy works carried to the private sector in surface characterisation, biocorrosion, plastic degradation and materials failure. Before coming to the UK, Dr Ojeda worked in catalysis, surface characterisation and quality control for the oil industry.

Dr Ojeda is a member of the Physical Chemical and Biochemical Methods committee (EH/003/02) at the British Standard Institution (BSI), and UK-nominated expert to the International Organization for Standardisation (ISO) for the standard regarding the analysis of microplastics using vibrational spectroscopy.

Interested in doing a PhD?
If you are highly motivated and interested in PhD research on bacteria/surface interactions, bacterial metal complexations, catalysis, or surface science with applications in biochemical engineering, please get in touch with me.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Biochemical Engineering
  • Surface science and spectroscopy
  • Development of novel methods for microplastic characterisation (e.g. micro-FTIR imaging)
  • Biofilms, biofouling and biocorrosion