O’Reilly, L., Mossakowski, T., Roggenbach, M., & O'Reilly, L. (2012). Compositional Modelling and Reasoning in an Institution for Processes and Data. Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques -269).
Pantekis, F., James, P., Kullmann, O., O'Reilly, L., & James, P. (2024). Optimized massively parallel solving of N‐Queens on GPGPUs. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 0
Moller, F. & O'Reilly, L.(2019). On Teaching Discrete Mathematics to Freshman Computer Science Students. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 19(8)
O'Reilly, L., Roggenbach, M., & Isobe, Y. (2009). CSP-CASL-Prover: A Generic Tool for Process and Data Refinement. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 250(2), 69
Moller, F., O'Reilly, L., Powell, S., & Hopkins, C. (2021). Teaching Them Early: Formal Methods in School. Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 173-190). Springer International Publishing
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Lloyd-Roberts, B., Pantekis, F., James, P., O'Reilly, L., & Edwards, M. (2024). Effective Candidate Invariant Generation Using GPGPUs and Optimisations. In 2024 Twelfth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR) (pp. 77-86). IEEE.
Moller, F., O'Reilly, L., Powell, S., & Hopkins, C. (2021). Teaching Them Early: Formal Methods in School. In International Workshop on Formal Methods - Fun for Everybody FMFun 2019: Formal Methods – Fun for Everybody (pp. 173-190). Springer International Publishing.
James, P., Powell, L., O'Reilly, L., & Moller, F. (2020). Hands-on Security Testing in a University Lab Environment. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science EducationACM.
Pantekis, F., James, P., O'Reilly, L., Archambault, D., & Moller, F. (2020). Visualising Railway Safety Verification. In Osman Hasan, Frederic Mallet (Ed.),Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems. FTSCS 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science. (pp. 95-105). Springer International Publishing.
O’Reilly, L., Mossakowski, T., Roggenbach, M., & O'Reilly, L. (2012). Compositional Modelling and Reasoning in an Institution for Processes and Data. In Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques (pp. 251-269). Springer.
This module exposes the student to the major components of a practical software lifecycle through team-based practical software engineering. This module introduces students to prototyping, software design and implementation, and testing. Students are introduced to the issues and techniques of working in teams.