Teaching interests
GEG252MB Geographical Field Work Skills: Malaysian, Borneo
The module is concerned with identifying and defining geographical questions within the tropical rainforest environment of the Sabah, Malaysian Borneo and applying relevant geographical skills, knowledge and techniques to these questions. This fieldwork-based module focuses on the physical geography of wet tropical environments, hydrological and geomorphological processes, the nature and dynamics of tropical rainforest vegetation and ecology and the impacts of logging and conversion to agriculture, and particularly oil palm and current and predicted climatic change. Land policy and land management practices are a key theme. Some aspects of the human environment are also covered. The fieldweek module introduces students to all aspects of project work (identifying and defining geographical problems; formulation of aims, research questions and hypotheses; formulation of an appropriate research design to answer these questions; choice and use of field measurement techniques and field observation; data analysis and interpretation; oral presentation of findings; and structuring and production of academic written reports). A key aim is to prepare students to be able to undertake a final-year dissertation in physical geography. The module comprises preparatory meetings, a 14 day field course, which typically runs immediately prior to Easter, and 2 hours of analytical classes during Teaching Block 2 prior to submittal of project reports.
GEG358 Climate of the last 1000 years
The aim of this module is to provide the participants with the relevant skills to place the widely reported anthropogenic influences upon climate into the perspective of a naturally changing climatic system. The module focuses upon the techniques used to reconstruct changes in climate over the last 1000 years and presents reconstructions at differing temporal scales. The module is directed towards students with a basic scientific and mathematical background.
Exploring past climate information in tree rings. Measurements of tree ring width, wood density and stable isotope variability are investigated as past climate archives.
Tree response to environmental change
Exploring the physical and chemical changes trees undergo as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise.
Forest health under climate change
Oak decline syndromes are becoming more widespread in the UK; we are exploring tree growth histories to improve our understanding of the tee growth response to these complex disease syndromes.
Cloudy records from ancient trees
Developing palaeocloud records from the annual rings of sub-fossil pine trees in high latitude lakes and bogs.
Tropical dendroclimatology
Exploring methods for accessing the palaeoclimate information stored in ancient tropical trees.
Water use efficiency of trees
Exploring how tree water use patterns are changing in response to rising CO2 and climate change.