I am a research data manager and an ecologist, with 9 years of experience in biocuration, database design and research data management, especially using PostgreSQL, and 10 years’ experience in mammal ecology and wildlife management in the UK, France and Italy, working with Universities, Research Centres, Governing Bodies, Wildlife Management & Conservation NGOs, and Protected Areas. Before joining Swansea University, I obtained a MSc in Biosciences at the University of Pisa (Italy) and a PhD in Environmental Sciences and Technology at the University of Siena (Italy), and worked for the University of Siena (Italy), the French ONCFS Institute, and the international data sharing project EURODEER.
I develop and manage relational databases for marine research data, including fish telemetry, abundance and morphological data, benthos and sediment data, passive acoustic data, seabird and seagrass monitoring data, and fisheries socio-economic data. My expertise is on data management, spatial relational database design & management, data sharing and reproducibility, PostgreSQL and SQL language, remote sensing, animal movements and behaviour, wildlife management & conservation.