Dr Rebecca Stringwell

Research Ethics Manager, Faculty of Science and Engineering

Welsh language proficiency

Basic Welsh Speaker
Research Office - 002
Ground Floor
Llyr Building
Singleton Campus


I am the Deputy manager for our aquatic research facility (CSAR). I oversee the running of the facility, welfare of the aquatic animals and the day-to-day husbandry. I also support undergraduate and postgraduate students with their research projects involving live animals. In addition to this role, I am also the FSE research ethics manager and deputy chair for the FSE research ethics committee. I am responsible for ensuring ethics applications are reviewed in a timely manner and assisting the Chair of the FSE research ethics committee with approving ethics applications for the faculty. I sit on the Faculties Research ethics committee, the University Research Integrity: Ethics & Governance committee and the Animal Welfare Ethical Review Body (AWERB).

Areas Of Expertise

  • Animal Welfare
  • Aquaculture
  • Aquatic animal husbandry
  • Aquatic animal research models
  • Ethical reviews
  • Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986