I am an Associate (2019-20) of the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (Durham University). I am a member of the Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy Network (http://www.ph.ed.ac.uk/exotics) and Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy.
I am an Associate (2019-20) of the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (Durham University). I am a member of the Exotic Hadron Spectroscopy Network (http://www.ph.ed.ac.uk/exotics) and Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy.
Swansea University Excellence in Learning and Teaching Award (2018)
This module walks through the conceptual problems that led to the development of quantum mechanics, the early revolutionary ideas emerging from physics of black body radiation, the photoelectric effect, wave particle duality and the mathematical rules of quantum mechanics and its applications to physical problems in one dimension.
Provides essential mathematics underpinning undergraduate level physics. Aimed at students who have taken A level mathematics or equivalent.