Swansea University Technician Symposium

Every year, Swansea University’s technician community hosts a Technician Symposium to celebrate the work of our technicians, explore new ideas, and to hear from our technicians themselves.  The Symposium also gives technicians from each Faculty the chance to get to know each other better and share best working practice.

Technician Symposium 2024

The theme of this year's Techncian Symposium (held on 8 July) was Visibility and Recognition.  You can view more photos from the day here.  There is also a Tiktok video highlighting the event.

Technician Symposium 2023

Photographs from the Technician Symposium 2023 can be found here.

Technician Symposium 2022 Swansea University technicians at Technician Symposium 2022