Mae Dr Kayleigh Rose yn Ddarlithydd yn Adran Biowyddorau Prifysgol Abertawe.
Mae Dr Kayleigh Rose yn Ddarlithydd yn Adran Biowyddorau Prifysgol Abertawe.
This module will provide the learner with a detailed and holistic overview of fields in biology including evolution, cell biology, taxonomy and phylogenetics, animal, and plant anatomy and physiology, animal behaviour, ecology, and conservation. The module is supported by three practical sessions designed to build skills in scientific anatomical drawing, the use of species identification keys, data collection handling and report writing, group work, and oral presentation skills.
The principal aim of this course is to provide students with the essential foundational knowledge and skills required to carry out undergraduate-level biosciences assignments involving data analysis such as field and lab reports and the final year dissertation. The course is heavily practical-based for experiential learning, providing plenty of opportunities to practice skills, test knowledge, and receive feedback on work that does not count toward the final grade. It covers the basics of handling data, presenting data graphically, selecting appropriate statistical tests, using R software to carry out statistical tests, and writing up results appropriately. Students will receive 14 (1 hr) lectures and 7 (3 hr) compulsory practicals. The assessment is weighted: 10% compulsory practical attendance, 40% coursework, and 50% exam* The course is divided into two parts: Part 1: Weeks 1-3 are lecture-based, focusing on the underlying knowledge required for practicing statistics and data handling skills. Topics covered include data variation, descriptive statistics, experimental design, organising data in spreadsheets, available statistical tests and their assumptions, selecting the appropriate statistical test based on the scientific question and the data, presenting data graphically, and writing up statistical results for scientific reports appropriately. Part 2: Weeks 3-10 are lecture and practical-based, introducing R software, which requires the user to use a programming language to plot graphs and carry out statistical tests. Opportunities to present data graphically, obtain statistical results, and produce short written summaries of the results are provided within the practicals. *Students earn 1.43 % of the module grade per practical for attendance and practicing skills. Tasks completed within the practicals are not graded but must be signed off by a demonstrator. Support and feedback will be provided by staff and demonstrators within the practicals. Two courseworks (worth 20 % each) focused on reporting results and presenting graphs will be completed (and feedback provided) during the term. An MCQ and short answer question exam (worth 50 %) will take place in January.