Second Language Acquisition
This module will investigate second language learning from psycholinguistic perspectives. It will introduce students to some of the key theories in second language acquisition and focus on some of the factors that influence second language acquisition. By the end of this module, students will be able to identify causes of difficulty for second language learners, identify key features of different theories of second language acquisition, evaluate these theories in light of empirical research evidence and synthesise data/arguments in ways appropriate to different audiences
Modern Languages Dissertation
This module provides students with the opportunity to research one aspect of French, German, Italian or Hispanic culture in detail, and to present the findings of their research in a dissertation of 8000 words.
The module will be taught by means of four practical seminars on research and writing skills, and through three formal supervision sessions with a dissertation supervisor. Your supervisor will help you to find a topic, suggest research strategies, agree a suitable title, discuss the structure of your dissertation, and will read closely and comment on one draft chapter. The topic may relate to a module you are doing at Level 3, provided that this does not involve a duplication of material and is agreed with the module coordinator in advance.
The dissertations may be written in English, in your target language, or in Welsh (where Welsh-medium provision is available).
Traethawd Hir Ieithoedd Modern
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr ymchwilio i un agwedd o ddiwylliant Ffrangeg, Almaeneg, Eidaleg, neu Sbaeneg yn fanwl, ac i gyflwyno canfyddiadau eu hymchwil mewn traethawd hir 8,000 o eiriau. Addysgir y modiwl trwy bedwar seminar ymarferol ar sgiliau ymchwil ac ysgrifennu, a thair sesiwn ffurfiol gyda goruchwyliwr traethawd hir. Bydd eich goruchwyliwr yn gallu'ch helpu i ddod o hyd i bwnc, awgrymu strategaethau ymchwil, cytuno teitl addas, a thrafod strwythur eich traethawd hir, a bydd yn darllen un pennawd yn fanwl, a gwneud sylwadau arno. Gall y pwnc ymwneud â modiwl yr ydych yn ei astudio ar Lefel 3, cyhyd â nad yw hynny'n dyblygu deunydd, a chyhyd â'ch bod wedi cytuno hynny gyda chydlynydd y modiwl ymlaen llaw. Cewch ysgrifennu'r traethawd hir yn Saesneg, yn eich iaith darged, neu yn Gymraeg (lle mae darpariaeth gyfrwng Cymraeg ar gael).
Spanish Translation Workshop 2
The aim of this module is to develop and refine students' translation skills by working through a dossier of textual materials illustrating distinct text types, and distinct aspects of source language culture and society from both Spain and Spanish America.
Intermediate Spanish Language I
This module is the foundation of advanced level study of Spanish which will equip students who have previously taken Beginner Spanish (or equivalent) with the skills needed to use Spanish in general and professional environments. It concentrates on developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish, establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, interpret and speak about issues related to contemporary Hispanic society and culture. The module aims to enhance students¿ employability by introducing them to Professional Spanish, providing a grounding in the vocabulary and use of Business Spanish. Classes are mainly conducted in Spanish.
Intermediate Spanish for Business Students I
This module is the foundation of the intermediate level study of Spanish which will equip students who have previously taken Beginners' Spanish for Business Students I and II. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish , establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending students¿ vocabulary to read, write, interpret and speak about issues related to contemporary Spanish speaking society and culture appropriate to levels B1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The module also aims to enhance students¿ employability by providing a grounding in the vocabulary and use of Spanish in contexts relating to the world of work. Classes are conducted mainly in Spanish . In addition to class work, students are also expected to undertake extensive private study.
Intermediate Spanish for Business Students II
This module consolidates and extends the language skills developed from Intermediate Spanish for Business Students I. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish establishing a firm grammatical understanding of the language, and extending your vocabulary to read, write and speak about issues related to contemporary Spanish speaking society and culture. Topics are extended to business scenarios which will enrich your vocabulary and further the use of Spanish in business context. Classes will be conducted mainly in Spanish. In addition to class work, students are also expected to undertake extensive private study.
Spanish Language 3B
This module builds on and consolidates the skills and knowledge acquired in MLS390A by concentrating on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish. This module aims to build on and consolidate the skills and knowledge acquired in MLS390A. It concentrates on further developing fluency and accuracy in written and spoken Spanish appropriate to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It specifically aims at preparing the students for their Year Abroad and/or extend intercultural awareness, widening students¿ vocabulary to read, write, do presentations and translate about topics related to Spain and Latin America. The module also aims to enhance students¿ employability, by training them to do a successful presentation using appropriate IT applications. Classes will be conducted mainly in Spanish. There is also a Welsh-medium version of this module.
Advanced Translation (Spanish)
In 16 weekly 1.5 hour small-group seminars running through Semester 1 and into Semester 2, students will translate, discuss and annotate both non-technical and technical texts. Practice assignments will grow progressively longer to reflect real-world conditions and students will on occasion be expected to work together, critiquing and editing each other's work to produce a collaborative finished version. Techniques for discovering domain-specific knowledge and translating technical terminology will be explored and developed. Assessment will be by three test translations in different domains done through the year under exam conditions (2 hours with dictionaries and/or electronic resources), each counting for 25% of the marks of the module, plus one Terminology Project or Wikipedia Project counting for the final 25%.
Dialogue Interpreting
This module, which builds on the introduction to Interpreting provided in Year 1 by MLT100 Concepts in Translation and Interpreting, will develop practical strategies and techniques for performing Dialogue Interpreting between parties who do not speak each other's language, as well as oral translation of relevant documents at sight. There will typically be a mixture of short lectures on relevant aspects of Interpreting Theory (especially professional ethics), live bilingual and multilingual scenarios, and language laboratory practical sessions in preparation for assessment. The assessment will be two Sight Translations, one in each direction (40%) and one Dialogue Practical Class Test (both directions) in the Lab (60%). A wide range of materials will be available on Blackboard to practice sight translation and interpreting in your own time.
Interpreting - Local Government Option
This module will develop strategies and techniques to perform sight translation and dialogue (or bilateral consecutive) interpreting in the context of Local Government, covering a selection of topics in the areas of council services, social services, environmental health, and education. There will be lectures/workshops on voice confidence, note-taking, and ethics, and practical sessions (live sessions and language laboratory sessions using the latest technology) to enhance your learning. A range of materials will be made available on Canvas to practice the different modes of interpreting in your own time.
This module will also prepare you for the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting, examined by the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIoL). This is optional and takes place in June every year (registration by February; CIoL fee applies).