As part of their employability initiatives, the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law organised a networking lunch and training at the Steamship Mutual’s London office for Shipping and Trade LLM Students.
During the visit, students had the opportunity to attend several sessions delivered by Steamship staff on various aspects of P&I life, including claims handling, underwriting and loss prevention.
Students were also able to engage with current Club staff and had the opportunity to meet some of IISTL’s many valued alumni working in the sector. This was a fantastic and unique opportunity for these bright young minds, as they were offered insights that are so rarely accessed outside of the industry.
Speaking after the trip, Dr Tabetha Kurtz-Shefford, the Deputy Director of Shipping and Trade LLM Programmes, said:
“We would like to thank those at Steamship Mutual for taking the time out of their busy schedules to provide our students with such a fantastic learning experience, and for providing them with invaluable guidance on what a club might look for in its future employees.
We would especially like to thank Annie Stow and the IG Group for assisting us to organise this amazing trip. It is our aim at Swansea to offer our students a contemporary legal education and this kind of trips provides a great opportunity to connect them to the shipping and insurance industries.”