On May 10th, 2024, Flip the Streets joined forces with Evolve Swansea to support a group of young students from Clase Primary School in creating a mural to provide a positive representation of their school ethos.
This mural was created as part of the Flip the Streets Initiative which supports community groups to visually stand out against hate of all kinds on our streets. More information about this initiative and how you can get involved can be found here.
The artwork created stands as a tribute to the diverse demographic changes happening within the school and the local community and the children’s inclusive response to it. CMET (Contextual, Missing, Exploited, Trafficked) team, had been engaged in facilitating and conducting sessions for students spanning from years 3 to 6 at Clase Primary School in recent months. These sessions were meticulously tailored to address salient issues identified within both the school and the broader community, aiming to foster constructive relationships, mutual respect, and positive communication among students within the school environment and within the larger community context. Notably, in response to concerns voiced during a parental drop-in session, the Community Integration and Partnership Team provided supportive interventions, including target hardening measures, to families residing in the locality.
Aligned with the UNCRC's principles of children's rights, sessions were conducted in an engaging manner to enlighten students about their equal rights and the importance of being heard and respected. These sessions enabled students to create designs for a meaningful school mural representing their ideas and beliefs about identity and community.
This mural will stand as a testament to Clase Primary School's dedication to promoting rights and cultivating a positive, inclusive environment, even to those observing from outside. The pupils in year 5 and 6 developed the design for the mural based on their conversations in the engagement sessions over recent months. On 10th of May 2024, a community day took place at the school, to celebrate the work achieved. The pupils had the opportunity to spray paint the mural themselves with a local artist, taking ownership over their message. Multiple organisations, including Evolve Swansea, Choices, Barod, and neighbourhood PCSOs, took part in the community day.
The artwork was created by one of the young pupils at the school who wanted to make her own views clear. On the day she stated "I want all kids to feel happy to come to school. We all belong here, no matter where we come from. We are all loved." This artwork holds profound significance, conveying a potent message of diversity celebration and acceptance. Through its depiction of children from various backgrounds, it underscores the inclusive ethos of the school community, fostering a sense of belonging with positive impacts on academic success, social cohesion, and personal identity. Additionally, the inclusion of the Welsh word "Cynefin" within a love heart, crafted by hands of diverse races, symbolises inclusivity not only within Clase Primary School but also within the broader Welsh context. In line with the anti-racist Wales Strategy of Welsh Government, this representation highlights a commitment to diversity, portraying Wales as a welcoming society that values inclusivity and connection to its heritage. The pupils also felt passionately that sport is for everyone. In their portrayal of children engaging in football they wanted to challenge gender stereotypes and promote inclusivity in sports. The resulting mural fosters a sense of unity and belonging within the school community, affirming a positive and supportive environment where every student feels valued and accepted. Dan Jones, the school's deputy head, stated that:
“The common theme in these designs reflected the learners' understanding that everyone should feel a sense of cynefin, no matter their beliefs, language, culture or skin colour. The learners were passionate about Clase being a harmonious community where everyone could belong. It is these designs that are reflected in the ‘Flip the Streets’ artwork, and going forward the artwork is a constant reminder to all members of our community that they belong”.
The Flip The Streets initiative will continue its mission: to use hate graffiti as a starting point of conversation with community groups, with the purpose of de-normalising hate. It will use positive representations of graffiti, created by the community groups involved to showcase thought-provoking artwork that confronts and denounces hate in Wales.
Thank you to Clase Primary School for their collaboration in crafting this extraordinary artwork. Their dedication to nurturing a conducive environment for children's social growth has enhanced the safety and happiness of the entire community.