Ar ddydd Iau (yn ystod y tymor) rhwng 1pm a 2pm yn yr Amgueddfa Sŵoleg, Adeilad Wallace, Campws Singleton. Os oes gennych ymholiadau, e-bostiwch Dr Eva Sonnenschein yn
Dyddiad | Seinydd | Teitl y Seminar |
19 Rhagfyr |
Dr Jamie Bojko, National Horizons Centre, Teesside University, UK |
Nudiviruses in free-living and parasitic arthropods: evolutionary taxonomy |
6 Rhagfyr |
Dr Martin Sperling, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
tbd |
5 Rhagfyr |
Dr Constanze Kuhlisch, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
tbd |
26 Tachwedd |
Tomos Watson |
Environmental Plastics Seminar |
14 Tachwedd |
Dr Kevin Watts, Forest Commission UK |
tbd |
17 Hydref |
Prof. Erin McClymont, Durham University |
Variability in snow petrel foraging and its implications for reconstructing past Antarctic sea ice and ice sheet thinning histories |
10 Hydref |
Dr Luiz Gustavo R. Oliveira-Santos, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil |
Spatial compartmentalization: A nonlethal predator mechanism to reduce parasite transmission between prey species |
3 Hydref |
Dr Pablo Orozco Ter Wengel, Cardiff University |
Conservation genetics in the fragmented landscape of the Kinabatangan river (Borneo) |
4 Gorffennaf |
Prof. Jim Bull/Dr Will Allen |
Workshop on “Doctoral training networks” |
27 Mehefin |
Dr Ed Pope |
Exploring crustacean biology at Swansea University |
20 Mehefin |
Dr Matt Tarnowski |
Growing microbial communities for the identification of plastic-degrading enzymes |
6 Mehefin |
Dr John Griffin |
Workshop on “Scanning the Biosciences funding horizon” |
2 Mai |
Prof Carlos Garcia de Leaniz, Swansea University |
From broken rivers to free-flowing rivers |
11 Ebrill |
Dr Alla Silkina, Swansea University |
Application of algal cultivation technology to convert waste nutrients in context of circular bioeconomy |
21 Mawrth |
Prof Sonia Consuegra, Swansea University |
Less can be more: Understanding the adaptive role of epigenetics using naturally inbred fish |
7 Marwth |
Dr Kim Stokes, Swansea University |
Depth-use ecology of sea turtles |
29 Chwefror |
Dr Dan Forman, Swansea University |
‘Otterly’ Ecological |
22 Chwefror |
Prof Boris Schröder-Esselbach, TU Berlin |
Coastal ecosystem services, restoration of seagrass meadows, and spatio-temporal dynamics of brackish marshes – ecological modelling provides key contributions to coastal ecology |
8 Chwefror |
Brandon Shaw, Loughborough University |
Accessory to Murder: Carnivorous Plants Host Diverse Fungal Endophyte Communities Driven by Host Functional Traits |
18 Ionawr |
Prof Tariq Butt, Swansea University |
Metarhizium, a multifunctional fungus |
11 Ionawr |
Billy Moore, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology |
Effects of marine warming on the metabolism and transcriptome of clownfish |